Installation process (final)

In the documentation there predefined:


curl -sS | php
cp composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
  • mysql > 5.1 (it should work with postgres etc but not tested)
  • PHP >= 5.5.x with modules: php-apc, php5-cli, php5-curl, php5-mysql, php5-mcrypt, php5-memcached
  • Apache >= 2.2 with enabled modules: rewrite, unique_id
  • Shibboleth-SP >= 2.4 - optional needed for federated access
  • Codeigniter framework 3.1.5
  • Doctrine >= 2.4.x


Doctrine it will be installed with composer

  • Zend-ACL Framework


Zend-ACL it will be installed with composer

  • Memcached server on the same host
  • gearman-php, gearnam-job-server - allows to enable additional features in JAGGER

Download JAGGER and Codeigniter


we will be using CodeIgniter 3.1.5 available from

Download codeigniter and unpack into /opt and rename to “codeigniter”

JAGGER (ResourceRegistry3) is published on GITHUB under MIT License.

git clone /opt/rr3
cd /opt/rr3

Install required third parties libraries with composer tool. Go to application folder and run

composer install

Set index.php file

cp /opt/codeigniter/index.php /opt/rr3/

and modify it. You need to change default path to system folder. Open /opt/rr3/index.php file and find

$system_path = 'system';

and change to

$system_path = '/opt/codeigniter/system';

You may also want to set production environment. To do it find line

define('ENVIRONMENT', isset($_SERVER['CI_ENV']) ? $_SERVER['CI_ENV'] : 'development');

and before that line add

$_SERVER['CI_ENV'] = 'production';

Apache/PHP configuration

Alias /rr3 /opt/rr3
  <Directory /opt/rr3>

        #  you may need to uncomment next line
        #  Require all granted

          RewriteEngine On
          RewriteBase /rr3
          RewriteCond $1 !^(Shibboleth\.sso|index\.php|logos|signedmetadata|flags|images|app|schemas|fonts|styles|images|js|robots\.txt|pub|includes)
          RewriteRule  ^(.*)$ /rr3/index.php?/$1 [L]
  <Directory /opt/rr3/application>
          Order allow,deny
          Deny from all


You need to create database and set permissions for instance:

DBUSER = 'rr3user'
DBPASS = 'rr3pass'

Log in to mysql as superuser and run:

mysql> create database rr3 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
mysql> grant all on rr3.* to rr3user@'localhost' identified by 'rr3pass';
mysql> flush privileges; script

Now it’s time to run script. Go to /opt/rr3/


What it does is downloading Doctrine, Zend-ACL, Geshi, XMLseclib and exctract them. Then you need to set required config files - you can copy templates and customize them. Stay in /opt/rr3/

cp config-default.php -> config.php
cp config_rr-default.php -> config_rr.php
cp database-default.php -> database.php
cp email-default.php -> email.php
cp memcached-default.php -> memcached.php

Please follow section Configuration files

Set permission - writeable by apache user. Ralive path of folders need to be set:

  • application/cache
  • application/models/Proxies

Database - populate tables

To populate tables we are going to use doctrine tool.

Go to application folder and you should see doctrine file. It should be executable.


You will get many available options, be carefull. To populate tables please run below command. It will parse all entities in application/model

./doctrine orm:schema-tool:create

If you going to run application in production mode then you also need to regenerate proxies:

./doctrine orm:generate-proxies

and verify owner of application/models/Proxies/* - apache user should be owner

In the future after every update you will need to run

./doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
./doctrine orm:generate-proxies

Final setup step

This is the last step in Installation process. To be able to run it you need to set in config_rr.php file:

$config['rr_setup_allowed'] = TRUE;


remember to change it back to FALSE

Open page and fill the form.

After submit user you entered will be in Administration group.


Again: please change rr_setup_allowed to FALSE