Configuration files

There are a few config files used by JAGGER and they’re stored in /opt/rr3/application/config/ folder.


This is standard config file for codeigniter based application. It can be copied from /opt/codeigniter/application/config/config.php file. Please follow Codeigniter documentation. In most cases it will be default with some below exceptions:

Please follow Codeigniter documentation. In most cases it will be default with some below exceptions:

  • base_url

    $config['base_url']     = '';
  • index_page

    $config['index_page'] = '';
  • log_threshold - you decide what log level

  • log_path - set location for example:

    $config['log_path'] = '/var/log/rr3/';
  • encryption_key - you need to set encryption key. you can generate with

tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null;echo
  • sess_driver


    If you update jagger please change sess_driver from “native” to “files” as there was some changes in core CI

    $config['sess_driver']                  = 'files';
    $config['sess_valid_drivers']   = array();
    $config['sess_cookie_name']             = 'ci_session';
    $config['sess_expiration']              = 7200;
    $config['sess_expire_on_close'] = FALSE;
    $config['sess_encrypt_cookie']  = FALSE;
    $config['sess_use_database']    = FALSE;
    $config['sess_table_name']              = 'ci_sessions';
    $config['sess_match_ip']                = FALSE;
    $config['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE;
    $config['sess_time_to_update']  = 300;
  • csrf_protection - set to TRUE

$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;
$config['csrf_token_name'] = 'csrf_test_name';
$config['csrf_cookie_name'] = 'csrf_cookie_name';
$config['csrf_expire'] = 7200;
$config['csrf_regenerate'] = FALSE;
$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array();
  • standardize_newlines - in most cases set to TRUE
$config['standardize_newlines'] = TRUE;
  • enable composer autoloader - it always should be set to TRUE
$config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE;


As template please use config_rr-default.php

  • pageTitlePref - if set then is included into every page’s title as prefix, example:


    deprecated, managed via web. you should remove it from config_rr.php file

    $config['pageTitlePref'] = 'Jagger:: ';
  • rr_setup_allowed - it should be always be set to FALSE. TRUE only when setup is initialized

    $config['rr_setup_allowed'] = FALSE;
  • site_logo - set filename to be used as main logo in top-left corner. File should be stored in /opt/rr3/images/ folder.

    $config['site_logo'] = 'logo-default.png';
  • syncpass - please generate strong key. It’s used by synchronization - interfederation tool

tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null;echo

then assign generated value to attr like:

$config['syncpass'] = 'qp7zwgm6vqzptb87uoe7zzfiq1gx1oa6';
  • support_mailto - set support email. For example this email is displayed as contact mail.
  • rr_rm_member_from_fed - right now it must be set to TRUE
$config['rr_rm_member_from_fed'] = TRUE;
  • rr_logobaseurl - if NULL then base_url is set. It’s used for generating Metadata logo paths if JAGGER is a source of logo.
$config['rr_logobaseurl'] = NULL;
  • rr_logouriprefix - used together with rr_logobaseurl . By default logos directory is used.
$config['rr_logouriprefix'] = 'logos/';

The url generated will look like:


If you decide to use different location but under /opt/rr3 then remember to exclude the folder in apache rewtite rules

  • rr_logoupload - it decides wether user may upload logos to the system. By default set to FALSE
$config['rr_logoupload'] = FALSE;
  • rr_logoupload_relpath - if rr_logoupload is TRUE then you can decide the defaul location for uploaded logos by users. Bu default you can set logos/ . You may decide to review every uploaded image the please create another folder under /opt/rr3 and set its name. The you will need to copy manually reviewed logos from this location into “logos” folder.
$config['rr_logoupload'] = 'logos/';
  • rr_logo_maxwidth, rr_logo_maxheight - if rr_logoupload is TRUE then you can decide maximum allowed dimesions in px.
$config['rr_logo_maxwidth'] = 300;
$config['rr_logo_maxheight'] = 300;
  • rr_logo_types - applied when rr_logoupload is TRUE. What type of logos is allowed to be uploaded. Recommended : png
$config['rr_logo_types'] = 'png|jpg';
  • rr_logo_maxsize - applied when rr_logoupload is TRUE. Maximum allowed size upladed image in KB
$config['rr_logo_maxsize'] = 2000;
  • autoregister_federated - if federated access to JAGGER is enabled you can decide wether user who used federated access but doesn’t exist in JAGGER should be autoprovisioned or not. Strongly recommend to not allow it. If it’s set to FALSE then new (not registered) user will get error page with contact support email address.
$config['autoregister_federated'] = FALSE;
  • register_defaultrole - if you decide to enable autoregister_federated then please set default role with lowest permissions. In this case please set “Guest”
$config['register_defaultrole'] = 'Guest';
  • Shib_required - define required attributes needed to be provided by IdP. By default please require Shib_username and Shib_mail which their mapping are defined next
$config['Shib_required'] = array('Shib_mail','Shib_username');
  • Shib_username - id of attribute from Shibboleth (attribute-map.xml) which will be mapped as username in Jagger. Strongly recommend eppn or othe unique scoped attr
$config['Shib_username'] = 'eppn';
  • Shib_mail - id of attribute from Shibboleth (attribute-map.xml) which will be mapped as user’s email address in Jagger. By default mail
$config['Shib_mail'] = 'mail';
  • Shib_fname - optional - id of attribute from Shibboleth (attribute-map.xml) wchich will be mapped as user’s first name in Jagger.
$config['Shib_fname'] = 'givenName';
  • Shib_sname - optional - id of attribute from Shibboleth (attribute-map.xml) wchich will be mapped as user’s surname in Jagger.
$config['Shib_fname'] = 'sn';
  • shibb_updatefullname - optional - if TRUE then every time when user is loggedin his first and last name will be updated with values (if exist) provided by Shibboleth.
$config['shibb_updatefullname'] = TRUE;
  • Shibboleth - is array containing information wether shibboleth based federated access should be enabled, uri which resolves shibboleth assertion and logout uri which is called in iframe during JAGGER logout process - it allows to destroy both JAGGER and shibboleth session
$config['Shibboleth']['loginapp_uri'] = 'auth/fedauth';
$config['Shibboleth']['logout_uri'] = '/Shibboleth.sso/Logout';
$config['Shibboleth']['enabled'] = TRUE;


If you enable federated access then you need to protect auth/fedauth by shibboleth in apache configuration

Also when $config[‘Shibboleth’][‘enabled’] = TRUE you will see “Federate login” button on login page.

  • nameids - array of allowed NameID in JAGGER


deprecated - you can remove it from config

$config['nameids'] = array(
     'urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier' => 'urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier',
     'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
     'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient',
     'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent',
  • metadata_validuntil_days - the value in days give how long generated metadata is valid - in metadata validUntil is generated datetime from now + number of days
$config['metadata_validuntil_days'] = '7';
  • unsignedmeta_iplimits - optional - limit direct access to unsigned (circle, federation, federationexport) metadatas. dont forget to add ip(s) of server(s) which are user to sign metadata, monitoring etc. example:
$config['unsignedmeta_iplimits'] = array('');
  • policy_dropdown - dropdown element for attribute policy - this config will be removed in future release, but right now is mandatory.
$config['policy_dropdown'] = array('0' => 'never', '1' => 'permit only if required', '2' => 'permit if required or desired');
  • authorities
  • includeRegistrationAuth
  • registrationAutority
  • load_registrationAutority
  • fedloginbtn - optional value used to replace default text for federated button in login form. Example can be like this:
$config['fedloginbtn'] = 'Login via Edugate or Social Media';
  • arp_cache_time - set time in seconds how long generated array for AttributeReleasePolicy XML file (shibboleth format) should be in cache.
$config['arp_cache_time'] = 1200;


  • geocenterpoint - this option allows you to define default lang/lat for loaded map when no geo points are set. If not set then (-6.247856140071235,53.34961629053703). Example:
$config['geocenterpoint'] = array('-9.126273968749956','38.684286647936936');
  • memcached - it’s optional but please use memcached.php config file instead
$config['memcached'] = array(
                      'hostname'  => 'localhost',
                      'port'      => '11211',
                      'weight'    => '1'
  • cacheprefix - add prefix to each key cached object
$config['cacheprefix'] = 'rr3_';


cacheprefix is deprecated

  • translator_access - (optional) allows permitted user to modify existing translation. You can set only one person per language.
$config['translator_access']['pl'] = 'user444@example';
  • gearman - (optional) boolean value - whether to enable gearman. There some benefits using gearman.
$config['gearman'] = TRUE;
  • gearmanconf - used if $config[‘gearman’] is set TRUE. Details about gearman-job-server
$config['gearmanconf']['jobserver'] = array(array('ip'=>'','port'=>'4730'));
  • disable_extcirclemeta - (optional) but in most cases should be set to TRUE. It defines whether should or shouldnt generate circle metadata for providers which are set external.
$config['disable_extcirclemeta'] = TRUE;
  • disable support for generating circle of trust metadata - (optional) only if it’s set to TRUE then “federation metadata(s)” will be generated and hyperlinks related to circle of trust metadata will be hidden
$config['featdisable']['circlemeta'] = true;
  • entpartschangesdisallowed - (optional) - array of elements do not allow to modify by enduser. For the moment entityid and scope may be disabled.
$config['entpartschangesdisallowed'] = array('entityid','scope');
  • rootSchemaFile - (optional) - you can set other than saml-schema-metadata-2.0.xsd for metadata validation. metadata validator loads defined xsd from {RR}/schemas/{old|new}/ folder. which of old, new folders is used- depends on php version. Example to validation against ws-federation.xsd
$config['rootSchemaFile'] = 'ws-federation.xsd';
  • arpbyinherit - (optional) - default is TRUE


arpbyinherit option is depreacted and shouldnt be used - default functionality behaves like it was set to TRUE

  • addlogocheckssl - optional - default is TRUE - used in entity edit form, when add new logo url - checks webserver ssl - you can disable it by setting in config with FALSE
$config['addlogocheckssl'] = FALSE;


  • langselectlimit - optional - limit dropdown list (localized entity properties) to specified list of available languages , example:
$config['langselectlimit'] = array('en', 'de', 'pl', 'fr');
  • langselectdefault - language to be selected in dropdown
$config['langselectdefault'] = 'de';

two factor

  • twofactorauthn - global option to enable/disable 2f , if option is not set then it’s false

    $config['twofactorauthn'] = true;
  • 2fengines - global option to control what kind of 2f engines are available/allowed. If not set then no engines available. As only “duo” is supported then

    $config['2fengines'] =  array('duo');
  • additional setting for duo 2f

$config['duo-akey'] = 'YOUR_SECRET_RANDOM_MIN_40_CHARS_STRING';
$config['duo-skey'] = 'Secret key from DUO ADMIN SITE';
$config['duo-ikey'] = 'Integration key FROM DUO ADMIN SITE';
$config['duo-host'] = 'API hostname FROM DUO ADMIN SITE';


You can use email-default.php as a template. Ther are two parts:

  1. connection details

    $config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
    $config['smtp_host'] = "SMTP_HOST";
    $config['smtp_port'] = 25;
    $config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
    $config['crlf'] = "\r\n";
    $config['newline'] = "\r\n";
    $config['wordwrap'] = TRUE;
    $config['smtp_user'] = 'USER';
    $config['smtp_pass'] = 'PASS';
    $config['smtp_crypto'] = 'tls';
  2. usage in JAGGER

    • mail_sending_active - boolean FALSE/TRUE - if FALSE then not mails are sent at all. It takes presedence..

      $config['mail_sending_active'] = TRUE;
    • notify_if_provider_rm_from_fed - boolean - if TRUE then notification will be sent when IdP or SP has been removed from federation. The recipients are: all contacts for IdP/SP and members of Administators group in JAGGER

      $config['notify_if_provider_rm_from_fed'] = TRUE;
    • notify_if_queue_rejected - boolean - if TRUE then requestere will be notified by email if his request is rejected.

      $config['notify_if_queue_rejected'] = TRUE;
    • notify_admins_if_queue_accepted

    • notify_requester_if_queue_accepted

    • mail_from

    • fake_mail_from

    • reply_to

    • mail_subject_suffix - it allows to add text to every mail’s subject.

    $config['mail_subject_suffix'] = '[JAGGER]';
    • mail_header
    • mail_footer - adds footer to sent mails
    $config['mail_footer'] = "
    \r\n \r\n
    YOUR FOOTER \r\n
    -- \r\n
    Phone: xxxxxxxxx\r\n
  3. override default bodies

    Here is possibility to overwrite default text sent in notifications. Right now it’s partly implemented.

    • defaultmail[‘joinfed’] - override defaul mail sent when join federation is requested.
    $config['defaultmail']['joinfed'] = "
              Hi,\r\nJust few moments ago Administator of Provider %s (%s) \r\n
              sent request to Administrators of Federation: %s \r\n
              to access  him as new federation member.\r\n
              To accept or reject this request please go to Resource Registry\r\n %s \r\n
              \r\n\r\n======= additional message attached by requestor ===========\r\n
              \r\n=============================================================\r\n ";


    you need to keep number of %s and the same meaning order: providername, provider EntityID, federationName, awaiting URL, additional message

    • localizedmail[‘joinfed’] - Sometime you’d like to sen notification in you local language. Thanks to this option you can easly override default. However as we work in multinational world the final mail will contain both localized part and builtin/($config[‘defaultmail’][‘joinfed’]) part.
    $config['localized']['joinfed'] = "
              Hi,\r\nWlasnie przed chwila Administator of Dostawcy Serwisu/Tozsamosci: %s (%s) \r\n
              wyslal prosbe  do Administratorow Federacji: %s \r\n
              to access  him as new federation member.\r\n
              To accept or reject this request please go to Resource Registry\r\n %s \r\n
              \r\n\r\n======= dodatkowa wiadomosc dolaczona ===========\r\n
              \r\n=============================================================\r\n ";


    you need to keep number of %s and the same meaning order: providername, provider EntityID, federationName, awaiting URL, additional message


this file contains information about connection to dabase. As template database-default.php can be used. Some of options are ignored by doctrine. So please focus and change username, password, database

$active_group = 'default';
$active_record = TRUE;

$db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$db['default']['username'] = 'CHANGEME';
$db['default']['password'] = 'CHANGEME';
$db['default']['database'] = 'CHANGEME';
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = '';
$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = '';
$db['default']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = '';
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;


file contains information about available memcached servers As template memcached-default.php can be used - default

$config = array(
       'default' => array(
               'hostname' => '',
               'port'     => '11211',
               'weight'   => '1',


If you don’t set this file you may get Notice/Error on some pages.